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Custom nose vent kit to help you sleep and fix a deviated septum

Custom nose vent kit to help you sleep and fix a deviated septum

Regular price $19.99 USD
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*Directions sheet contains an exact step by step process for making your custom nose vent as well as the exact method to reform and reshape your septum with this product over a few months

* Scar tissue massage has varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the person. Furthermore, scar tissue massage does not remove scar tissue altogether—it removes the adhesions, lessening negative effects. The main purpose of this product is to restore airflow for sleep, exercise, and daily healthy living.

Why is nose breathing better for your health?

Nose breathing is often considered more beneficial than mouth breathing for a variety of physiological, mechanical, and health-related reasons. Below are the key advantages of breathing through the nose:

1. Filtration:

- Mucous Membranes: The nasal passages contain mucous membranes that help trap dust, pollen, and other particulates, preventing them from entering the lungs. This filtration process reduces the risk of respiratory infections and allergies.

- Cilia: Tiny hair-like structures called cilia line the nasal passages and move mucus, along with trapped particles, toward the throat, where it can be swallowed or expelled.

 2. Humidity and Temperature Regulation:
- Warm and Moist Air: When inhaling through the nose, the air is warmed and humidified before it reaches the lungs. This is particularly important for maintaining the health of the lung tissue and ensuring optimal gas exchange.
- Preventing Irritation: Mouth breathing can lead to dry air entering the lungs, which can irritate the bronchial passages and respiratory tract.

3. Nitric Oxide Production:

- Vasodilation: The nasal cavities produce nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels, improve oxygen saturation in the blood, and enhance overall cardiovascular health.
- Antimicrobial Properties: Nitric oxide also has antibacterial properties, which can help eliminate harmful pathogens during inhalation.

4. Improved Breathing Mechanics:

-Diaphragm Breathing: Nose breathing encourages diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing. This type of breathing promotes deeper inhalation, enhancing oxygen intake and decreasing carbon dioxide retention.

- Reduced Hyperventilation: It helps regulate the breathing rate and depth, which can reduce the incidence of hyperventilation and associated symptoms (e.g., dizziness, anxiety).

5. Enhanced Oxygen Exchange:

- Increased Oxygen Efficiency: Nose breathing enables better oxygen exchange due to slower airflow, which maximizes the contact time between air and the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs).
- Optimal Blood pH Levels: The slower and deeper breaths associated with nose breathing can help maintain a more stable blood pH level.

 6. Support for Oral Health:

- Saliva Production: Breathing through the nose helps keep the mouth closed, which can promote saliva production. Saliva is essential for maintaining oral health—neutralizing acids, washing away food particles, and providing necessary enzymes for digestion.
- Aka Fewer Dental Issues: Mouth breathing can contribute to dry mouth, which increases the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

7. Neurological Benefits:

- Calming Effect: Nose breathing is associated with slower and more controlled breath patterns, which can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
- Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Improved oxygenation and reduced anxiety through nose breathing can enhance cognitive functions such as focus and concentration.

 8. Sleep Quality:

- Reduction in Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Nose breathing during sleep can reduce the likelihood of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, leading to better sleep quality and overall health.

- Formation of Proper Facial Structures: Consistent nose breathing, especially in children, may contribute to the development of proper facial and dental structures.

Given these significant benefits, breathing through the nose is often recommended as a means of promoting overall respiratory health, improving physical performance, and supporting mental well-being.

A nose vent, also known as a nasal dilator, is a small device that is  inserted into the nostrils to help widen the nasal passages. As well as reshape the nose for a long term breathing solution.


Why is customizable better? 

  • Added comfort and a better fit over all.
  • Adheres to the exact shape of your septum and can be set to straighten it out 

**Benefits of using a nose vent include:**


  1. **Improved Breathing:** By dilating the nostrils, nose vents can enhance airflow, making it easier to breathe, especially during physical activity or while sleeping.
  1. **Reduced Snoring:** For people who snore due to nasal congestion or narrow airways, nose vents can help keep the air passages open, which may reduce snoring.
  1. **Easier Sleep:** Improved nasal airflow can enhance overall sleep quality since it promotes better breathing and reduces disturbances during the night.
  1. **Comfort during Exercise:** Athletes can use nose vents to increase oxygen intake during workouts, leading to better performance.
  1. **Allergy Relief:** For individuals with allergies or nasal congestion, using a nasal dilator can help relieve airway constriction, improving comfort and breathing.
  1. **Non-Invasive Solution:** Nose vents are a non-surgical and drug-free option for managing breathing issues compared to medications or other treatments. The septum reshaping feature can also reshape and reform your septum for those whose septum deviate within the lower half of the nose 


Kit Contents:

Directions sheet contains an exact step by step process for making your custom nose vent as well as the exact method to reform and reshape your septum with this product over a few months


-Thermosensitive polymer 

  • Melts quickly in hot water 
  • Designed for use in the mouth, nose, and ears.  
  • Quick cure time 
  • Reusable (can be remolded)


   -Vitamin A&D Scar ointment 

  • Lubricates nostrils for easy insertion and seamless fit
  • Keeps nasal pathways moist 
  • Helps heal scar tissue in the septum


  1. Nose vent molds
  • 3 sizes  
  •  Hard plastic insert to maintain structure during curing process 
  • Soft silicone mold for easy removal of the final product 

  1. Expanding foam inserts
  • Prevents plastic from curing in the entrance and exit of the nose vent 


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